A Space-Based View of Meteor Showers - related image preview

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A Space-Based View of Meteor Showers - related image preview

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A Space-Based View of Meteor Showers - related image preview

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A Space-Based View of Meteor Showers - related image preview

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A Space-Based View of Meteor Showers

A camera onboard the International Space Station delivers the space-based view of meteors burning up in Earth’s atmosphere.

Top image and video provided by Meteor investigator Tomoko Arai/Japan’s Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology. Photo by NASA/Bill Ingalls. Caption by Kathryn Hansen. Meteor investigation partners include the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, and Japan’s Planetary Exploration Research Center (PERC) at Chiba Institute of Technology (CIT).

Published August 13, 2016
Data acquired July 30, 2016

ISS > Meteor