Dust Dominates Overseas Aerosol Imports to North America - related image preview

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Dust Dominates Overseas Aerosol Imports to North America - related image preview

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Dust Dominates Overseas Aerosol Imports to North America - related image preview

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Dust Dominates Overseas Aerosol Imports to North America - related mov preview placeholder

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Dust Dominates Overseas Aerosol Imports to North America - related image preview

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Dust Dominates Overseas Aerosol Imports to North America

Nearly half of the aerosols in the air over North America have sources in other countries. The vast majority of it is dust from Asia.

NASA images and animation by Robert Simmon, using a GEOS-5 model run assimilating MODIS based aerosol optical thickness from Arlindo da Silva and Peter Colarco, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch. Caption by Kathryn Hansen and Michael Carlowicz.

Published August 3, 2012
Data acquired April 8 - 14, 2010
