GEOS-5: A High Resolution Global Atmospheric Model - related image preview

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GEOS-5: A High Resolution Global Atmospheric Model - related image preview

4608 x 1152
799 KB - JPEG

GEOS-5: A High Resolution Global Atmospheric Model - related image preview

720 x 360

GEOS-5: A High Resolution Global Atmospheric Model - related image preview

4608 x 1152
621 KB - JPEG

GEOS-5: A High Resolution Global Atmospheric Model

This comparison shows how a forecast from the high resolution Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5, the world’s highest resolution global climate model, stacks up against GOES satellite images showing actual cloud patterns for February 6, 2010.

NASA images and caption information courtesy William Putman, NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. Caption by Holli Riebeek.

Published June 9, 2010
Data acquired February 6, 2010
