Watching for Color in the Wasatch Back - related image preview

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Watching for Color in the Wasatch Back - related image preview

1199 x 799
503 KB - JPEG

Watching for Color in the Wasatch Back - related image preview

720 x 480

Watching for Color in the Wasatch Back - related image preview

1199 x 799
492 KB - JPEG

Watching for Color in the Wasatch Back

The eastern side of the Wasatch Range in autumn displays abundant reds and oranges, followed by vibrant yellows.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Wanmei Liang, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Kathryn Hansen.

Published November 13, 2023
Data acquired September 25 - October 19, 2023

Landsat 8 > OLI
Landsat 9 > OLI-2
Fall Colors