Larger Wheat Harvest in Ukraine Than Expected - related image preview

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Larger Wheat Harvest in Ukraine Than Expected - related image preview

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Larger Wheat Harvest in Ukraine Than Expected - related image preview

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Larger Wheat Harvest in Ukraine Than Expected - related image preview

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Larger Wheat Harvest in Ukraine Than Expected

A satellite-based analysis indicates that nearly 27 million tons of wheat were harvested from the country’s farms this year, but Ukraine won’t reap all of the benefits.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using data courtesy of Inbal Becker-Reshef, Josef Wagner, Shabarinath Nair, and Yuval Sadeh (NASA Harvest/University of Maryland/University of Strasbourg), PlanetScope data from Planet, and Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. The NASA Harvest Ukraine analysis was produced by I. Becker-Reshef, J. Wagner, S. Nair, Y. Sadeh, S. Baber, M. Hosseini, S. Khabbazan, B. Barker, E. Duncan, F. Li, B. Munshell, M. Humber, R. Sahajpal, N. Kalecinski, and S. Skakun at the University of Maryland and the University of Strasbourg based on PlanetScope data from Planet and Copernicus Sentinel data. Institute for the Study of War and AEI’s Critical Threats Project provided the war zone boundaries and the ESA WorldCereal project provided cropland bounds for 2021. Story by Mary Mitkish and Adam Voiland.

Published December 2, 2022
Data acquired September 22, 2022

Landsat 8 > OLI
Planet Labs
Applied Sciences
Food and Agriculture