Substantial Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2021 - related mpeg preview placeholder


Substantial Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2021 - related image preview

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Substantial Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2021 - related image preview

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Substantial Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2021

A colder than usual winter atmosphere over the Southern Hemisphere led to a deep and larger-than-average ozone hole in 2021.

NASA Earth Observatory images and video by Joshua Stevens, using data courtesy of Paul Newman and Eric Nash/NASA/Ozone Watch, and GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC. Story by Sofie Bates/NASA’s Earth Science News Team, adapted for NASA Earth Observatory by Kathryn Hansen.

Published October 29, 2021
Data acquired October 7, 2021

Aura > OMI
Suomi NPP > OMPS