Tracking Peruvian Forest Loss from Space - related image preview

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Tracking Peruvian Forest Loss from Space - related image preview

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Tracking Peruvian Forest Loss from Space - related image preview

720 x 619

Tracking Peruvian Forest Loss from Space - related image preview

2084 x 1791
648 KB - JPEG

Tracking Peruvian Forest Loss from Space

The Madre de Dios region has a rich concentration of endemic species, but their habitats are being threatened by human activity.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey and the SERVIR Science Team. Story by Andrea Nicolau, Andi Thomas, and Leah Kucera, NASA SERVIR Science Coordination Office. SERVIR connects space to village by helping developing countries use satellite data to address critical challenges in food security, water resources, weather and climate, land use, and natural disasters. A partnership of NASA, USAID, and leading technical organizations, SERVIR develops innovative solutions to improve livelihoods and foster self-reliance in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Published April 19, 2019
Data acquired 2013 - 2018

Landsat 8 > OLI
Amazon Deforestation
Applied Sciences