Start Date: End Date: Published Date Data Date
Data acquired April 26 12:00:00, 2003 540 x 372 JPEG
Data acquired April 26 12:00:00, 2003 680 x 468 387 KB - JPEG
This image obtained from the TRMM-based multisatellite rainfall estimation technique shows an isolated but very intense region of rainfall centered on the Parana River in Argentina, in the Sante Fe province. All of the rain accumulated during two intense episodes of thunderstorms on April 24-26. At least nine people have died in the resulting flooding and 100,000 have been evacuated.
The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) satellite monitors rainfall around the globe. For more information about the rain accumulation map shown above, visit the TRMM website
animations ÿÿsmall (722 KB MPEG) ÿÿlarge (2.1 MB MPEG)
Image courtesy of Hal Pierce, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Published May 5, 2003 Data acquired April 26 12:00:00, 2003