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Signs of an Eruption on Heard Island
Published October 23, 2012
Despite a quiescent appearance, there are hints of volcanic activity at the remote Mawson Peak.
Related images:
720 x 480 JPEG
4513 x 4513 2 MB - JPEG
Forest Canopy Heights Across the United States
Published July 22, 2010
From the Pacific Northwest—home of the towering redwoods&mdash to the Southern Appalachians, this map shows forest canopy heights across the United States.
720 x 520 PNG
4281 x 3090 5 MB - PNG
Ash and Steam Plume, Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
Published October 19, 2009
An oblique photo of Montserrat Island taken by astronauts captures an eruption from the island’s Soufrière Hills Volcano on October 11, 2009.
720 x 720 JPEG
2598 x 2039 2 MB - JPEG
Marion Island, South Africa
Published October 18, 2009
Acquired on on May 5, 2009, this true-color image shows Marion Island in the Indian Ocean. Sparsely vegetated, this volcanic island has remnants of snow near its summit.
5000 x 5000 5 MB - JPEG
Mexico City
Published September 30, 2009
Landsat 5 images of Mexico City acquired on January 31, 1985.
560 x 420 JPEG
1600 x 1200 5 MB - TIFF
Las Vegas Time Series
Landsat 5 images of Las Vegas from 1984 to 2009; the rapid pace of urbanization is clearly evident.
1600 x 1200 JPEG
12600 x 8940 191 MB - TIFF
Trujillo, Peru
A Landsat 7 image of Trujillo, Peru acquired on June 2, 2000.
560 x 560 JPEG
5173 x 5173 43 MB - TIFF
Lake Manicouagan
This natural color Landsat 7 image was collected on June 1, 2001 using bands 3, 2 and 1.
4548 x 4548 63 MB - TIFF
ReykjavÃk, Iceland
A Landsat 7 image of ReykjavÃk, Iceland acquired on August 17, 2002.
1392 x 1392 5 MB - TIFF
Tabun Khara Obo, Mongolia
Published September 8, 2009
Acquired on August 28, 2009, this true-color image shows the Tabun Khara Obo in southeastern Mongolia. Sunlight shines from the southeast, leaving the crater’s northern and western slopes in shadow.
4000 x 4000 4 MB - JPEG
4000 x 4000 38 MB - GeoTIFF
Burgess Shale, Yoho National Park of Canada
Published August 23, 2009
Acquired August 29, 2001, this true-color image of Yoho National Park shows a landscape of naked ridges, forested slopes, meandering rivers, and jewel-toned lakes.
2400 x 2400 3 MB - JPEG
Plume from Kilauea’s Halema’uma’u Crater
Published August 21, 2009
Acquired August 19, 2009, this true-color image shows a ghostly gray-blue plume blowing from the Halema'uma'u Overlook vent on the Kilauea Volcano. While the land surface around the vent is devoid of vegetation, plants apparently thrive to the east.
2400 x 2400 2 MB - JPEG