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Tropical Cyclone Jaya (22S) approaching Madagascar
4800 x 6200 5 MB - JPEG
Published April 2, 2007
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1200 x 1550 581 KB - JPEG
2400 x 3100 2 MB - JPEG
720 x 480 JPEG
Montevideo, Uruguay
1000 x 618 442 KB - JPEG
Reflective roofing materials and dark asphalt streets outline the urban grid pattern of Uruguay’s capital city, Montevideo, in this astronaut photograph. The city may be viewed as a precursor of a global population shift from dominantly rural to urban environments, a shift the United Nations estimates will occur by 2030. Nearly half of Uruguay’s total population now lives in the Montevideo metropolitan area. Located on the southern coastline of Uruguay along the Rio de la Plata, Montevideo Bay provides an important harbor and port facilities for transport of South American agricultural products.
540 x 334 JPEG
164 x 120 JPEG
Byrd Glacier, Antarctica
6000 x 9000 119 MB - GeoTIFF
Published April 1, 2007
The Byrd Glacier plunges through a deep, 15-mile-wide valley in the Transatlantic Mountains to create a 100-mile-long, rock-floored ice stream.
540 x 540 JPEG
4869 x 6492 4 MB - JPEG
Ash from Shiveluch, Kamchatka Peninsula, eastern Russia
1000 x 1300 143 KB - JPEG
Published March 31, 2007
500 x 650 60 KB - JPEG
Dust storm over China
2800 x 3600 1 MB Bytes - JPEG
1400 x 1800 444 KB - JPEG
5600 x 7200 3 MB - JPEG
700 x 900 142 KB - JPEG
Deforestation in Rondonia, Brazil
2252 x 1524 579 KB - JPEG
This pair of images reveals how dramatically and rapidly the Amazon can be transformed. The images compare deforested areas (tan) to forest (green) in 2000 (top) versus 2006 (bottom). The area, which is in southern Rondônia southwest of the Pacaás Novos National Park, was almost completely cleared during the period. The decreased greenness of the remaining forest in 2006 may be from a variety of causes: drought, degradation from logging or accidental fire, or different angles of observation during the two satellite overpasses.
2252 x 1524 659 KB - JPEG
Dust storm in the Gobi Desert
2400 x 1700 825 KB - JPEG
Published March 30, 2007
1200 x 850 254 KB - JPEG
4800 x 3400 2 MB - JPEG